How does an air compressor works

The compressors are a type of machines whose main function is to increase the pressure of a gas. While the most common is that the element that is compressed is air, in the industry there are other types of compressors that work with other types of gases according to the need of each case. Its applications are many, but how does an air compressor work?
How does an air compressor works

This tool absorbs air at ambient pressure, through a filtering system and returns it with the desired pressure, either to a direct outlet, or to a boiler, where it will accumulate at higher pressure. The operation of this system is mechanically simple.
Air compressor types
There are two main types of compressors, depending on whether they carry lubrication or not.
Compressor with graphite vanes
The first of these is the paddle air compressor in graphite, which does not require lubrication and works as follows.
The air is introduced by the vacuum generated inside the chamber that make up the graphite vanes, also known as graphite paddles.
This camera, by means of the movement of the rotor, shrinks its volume as the rotation of the rotor takes place, thus increasing the pressure of the air trapped between the two vanes or vanes.
Once this air is compressed, it is released through the ejection zone of the compressor jacket.
Compressor with fiber vanes
The other main type of air compressors is that of fiber pallets. Used in applications such as milking, it differs from the graphite compressor in that it does need lubrication.
At the operating level it is very similar. The air is introduced by the vacuum generated inside the chamber that make up the vane, in this case fiber, also known as fiber paddles.
This camera, by means of the movement of the rotor, shrinks its volume as the rotation of the rotor takes place, thus increasing the pressure of the air trapped between the two vanes. It is in this phase of the movement where a lubrication is produced, provided externally by oil, in a tank placed in the compressor itself.
Once this air is compressed, as in the case of the graphite vane compressor, it is released through the ejection zone of the compressor jacket.